Employee financial wellness programs (EFWPs) as an innovation in incentive systems of energy sector enterprises in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic : current status and development prospects


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a loss of the sense of financial security among employees. The consequence is decreased productivity, affecting employers who also suffer related costs. Actions to support employees’ financial wellness are therefore important and necessary, especially in the case of those working in the strategic sector ensuring national energy security. The main aim of the article is to present, from the theoretical and practical point of view, the essence and role of Employee Financial Wellness Programs (EFWPs) in the creation of an effective incentive system in energy sector companies in Poland during the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The following research methods were used: critical analysis of source literature, comparative analysis of existing data and the descriptive method with elements of deductive reasoning. In order to collect primary data, the indirect survey method was used, namely, the CAWI Internet survey technique, which was addressed to the main energy generation sector entities in the country. The research has shown that financial wellness instruments are new to the Polish market, where they have been in limited operation since 2021. It was confirmed that some companies in the energy sector are using such innovative tools, but they also show the need and interest to implement more extensive and comprehensive Employee Financial Wellness Programs that will reduce the financial stress of employees while motivating them to work more efficiently during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employee financial wellness programs (EFWPs) as an innovation in incentive systems of energy sector enterprises in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic : current status and development prospects
Malkowska Agnieszka ORCID 0000-0002-3857-8946
Słowa kluczowe
employee financial wellness programs (EFWPs); financial wellness; incentive system; energy sector; COVID-19 pandemic; programy dobrostanu finansowego pracowników (EFWP); dobrostan finansowy; system motywacyjny; sektor energetyczny; Covid-19 pandemia
Tokarz-Kocik Anna ORCID 0000-0002-4129-045X
Drela Karolina ORCID 0000-0003-0358-7938
Bera Anna ORCID 0000-0002-5916-5606
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.3390/en15062102
Energies, 2022, vol. 15 iss. 6, [br. s.], 2102
Prawa autorskie
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia23 maj 2022, 14:56:19
Data mod.23 maj 2022, 14:56:19
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