Selected characteristics of municipalities as determinants of enactment in municipal spatial plans for renewable energy sources : the case of Poland


The article proposes methods by which an in-depth analysis of the factors determining the planning activity of municipalities for renewable energy sources can be carried out. The article aims to determine the relationship between the number of local spatial plans specifying designation for renewable energy sources and the municipality’s area, population and planning situation. All local spatial plans in Poland (a total of 104,720 plans) were analysed, distinguishing in each municipality the number of plans with designation for renewable energy sources and micro-installations (a total of 11,338 plans). Then, using quantitative methods, this data was matched with data on the municipalities’ population, area, and planning activity. At the same time, the article provides a literature review of the critical problems concerning the relationship between investments in renewable energy sources and local planning. The barriers encountered are transnational in nature. The discussion section indicates how the proposed research methods can address identified barriers. Further possible research directions are also identified. The study shows a correlation between the planning activity of municipalities in the field of renewable energy sources and both population and population density. The higher the population density (highly urbanised areas), the higher the planning activity as well, and with it, the associated planning activity for renewable energy sources. The results in this respect are spatially differentiated. The main contribution of the research is to identify the relationship between the spatial and demographic characteristics of the municipalities and the way spatial plans are approached. This research identifies how local spatial policies toward renewable energy sources can be assessed.

Selected characteristics of municipalities as determinants of enactment in municipal spatial plans for renewable energy sources : the case of Poland
Blaszke Małgorzata
Słowa kluczowe
renewable energy sources; spatial planning; spatial plans; municipalities
Słowa kluczowe
odnawialne źródła energii; planowanie przestrzenne; plany przestrzenne; gminy
Foryś Iwona ORCID 0000-0002-2294-0672
Nowak Maciej J.
Mickiewicz Bartosz
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.3390/en15197274
Energies, 2022, vol. 15 issue 19, [br. s.], 7274
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Dziedzina nauk społecznych; Ekonomia i finanse
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia9 lis 2022, 15:18:55
Data mod.9 lis 2022, 15:18:55
Aktywnych wyświetleń0