The electronation of enforcement proceedings in Poland : the beginning or the end of the electronation process


The main aim of this article is to answer the question of whether the computerization of enforcement proceedings is at a sufficient level and what kind of problems we can meet, and whether it is just the beginning or are we coming to end computerization. We can think of electronization of civil proceedings in Poland since 2009, since the introduction of electronic writ proceedings to the Polish Code of Civil Procedure. Initially, it was only in this procedure that it was possible to use IT tools. There are more and more amendments concerning electronization. In the era of increasing electronic communication and striving to introduce new technologies to civil proceedings, also in enforcement proceedings, there are created solutions that involve the electronization of proceedings. In connection with more and more new regulations, it should be indicated at what stage of electronization of the judicial enforcement proceedings in Poland are. Thanks to gradual electronization involving the use of devices and software, civil proceedings were accelerated, costs were reduced and the possibility of communicating with the court without leaving home was made possible, which not only facilitated the day-to-day functioning of courts but also increased trust in the judicial authorities. The analytical and dogmatic method was used through the analysis of solutions and their significance. The recent amendments to the Civil Code, the Code of Civil Procedure and other acts introduced the next stage of computerization of civil proceedings, extending the use of electronic tools. Although there are already many solutions enabling the use of electronic tools, work is still underway to introduce new ones, until the hybrid form is abolished. Work is underway on the introduction of a fully compatible IT system and electronic form of bailiff files and the introduction of an electronic auction of real estate, which will be indicated.

The electronation of enforcement proceedings in Poland : the beginning or the end of the electronation process
Flaga-Gieruszyńska Kinga ORCID 0000-0001-5177-4450
Słowa kluczowe
electronation of enforcement proceedings; electronation process
Słowa kluczowe
elektronizacja postępowań egzekucyjnych; proces elektronizacji
Studzińska Joanna
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.23918/ejmss.V2i3p1
Eurasian Journal of Management & Social Sciences, 2021, vol. 2 issue 3, s. 1-14, 1
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Dziedzina nauk społecznych; Nauki prawne
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Data udostępnienia21 gru 2022, 15:28:27
Data mod.21 gru 2022, 15:28:27
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