Environmental education of children in early education from the perspective of modern challenges and threats : the work in a nursery school in aid of sustainable development


The issue of sustainable development is most certainly a component of awareness of the whole society both in personal and global terms. Low level of people's ecological awareness is one of the factors of environmental crisis. Taking into consideration the guidelines of the ''Agenda 21'', environmental education should begin as early as possible, from the earliest years of a child's life, it ought to be developed and made more attractive on consecutive levels of schooling. Preschool age is a stage of extreme sensitivity to natural phenomena and external environment. Any neglects during early education will be difficult to compensate. It may become a serious barrier for the eco-development and consequently, they may have irreversible social and ecological consequences . The concept of sustainable development which was accepted during the Conference under the banner of ''Environment and development'' also called ''Earth Summit 1992'' in Rio de Janeiro in the year 1992 is referred to. The assumptions of ecological education in a nursery school included in the curriculum and nursery education programs are described. Practical solutions in the domain are shown. The research confirms a theory of awaking ecological awareness even since the earliest years of a child's life.

Environmental education of children in early education from the perspective of modern challenges and threats : the work in a nursery school in aid of sustainable development
Falkiewicz-Szult Małgorzata ORCID 0000-0002-8816-0978
Słowa kluczowe
environmental education; ecological awareness; sustainable development; a nursery school; a child; methods; forms
Słowa kluczowe
edukacja ekologiczna; świadomość ekologiczna; zrównoważony rozwój; przedszkole; dziecko; metody nauczania; formy nauczania
Typ zasobu
General and Professional Education, 2014, no. 2, pp. 15-22
Prawa autorskie
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Data udostępnienia10 sty 2023, 14:39:32
Data mod.10 sty 2023, 14:39:32
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