The impact of transport infrastructure modernisations on acoustic climate on the example of the city of Szczecin (Poland) intersections redevelopment effects


The source of most noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines and transportation means, including motor vehicles such as cars, buses, trains, aircrafts and so on.

The excessive noise, called noise pollution, may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life. Noise pollution can cause annoyance, aggression and sleep disturbances. Chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss, tinnitus and contribute to cardiovascular problems such as hypertension as well as increased incidence of coronary artery disease. Such may bring about deterioration in the wellbeing of people and increase the number of days of incapacity for work.

This paper is an attempt to analyze the impact of transport infrastructure modernisations on the noise pollution in the city of Szczecin. The main objective of this paper was to compare the level of traffic noise in the areas surrounding streets: Powstancow Wielkopolskich, Mieszka I and Aleja Piastow Streets and crossroads of the streets: Taczaka-Lukasinskiego as well as Taczaka-Derdowskiego before and after the modernizations.
The comparison of obtained results suggest that in some cases the modernization hasn’t influenced on noise levels. In some, it improved the acoustic situation but hasn’t reduced the noise to keep acceptable levels.

The results emphasizethe thesis that some accepted methods of streets and crosswords modernization are sometimes ineffective in the fight against noise pollution.

Conclusions: Modernization of intersections in Szczecin improved traffic flow but had a little impact on the noise levels. Modernisations that improve the traffic flow can cause even increment in noise pollution. It should be taken into consideration possible benefits of used methods of city traffic modernization related not only to traffic improvements but also to noise pollution reduction. We suggest computer aided stimulations and acoustic specialist advices prior to any restructures of city traffic. To minimize the noise pollution, comprehensive solutions are needed.

The impact of transport infrastructure modernisations on acoustic climate on the example of the city of Szczecin (Poland) intersections redevelopment effects
Sygit Katarzyna ORCID 0000-0001-7173-2266
Słowa kluczowe
noise pollution; pollution monitoring; city traffic; modernization; health
Słowa kluczowe
hałas; monitoring; zanieczyszczeń; ruch miejski; modernizacja
Kołłątaj Witold
Sygit Marian ORCID 0000-0002-7902-7761
Kołłątaj Barbara
Kolmer Ryszard
Opiela Renata
Zienkiewicz Paweł
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.5539/ep.v3n2p74
Environment and Pollution, 2014, vol. 3 no. 2, pp. 74-87
Prawa autorskie
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia19 sty 2023, 14:19:19
Data mod.19 sty 2023, 14:19:19
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