Buyer behaviour in the context of sustainable consumption policy pursued in Poland


The concept of sustainable consumption has been actively promoted among modern societies. It has gained a special importance in the context of pursuing sustainable consumption policy and supporting actions taken as part of corporate social responsibility. The fulfilment of strategic goals defined under this concept minimizes negative effects of industrialization and globalization. Furthermore, it contributes to efficient allocation of natural resources and natural environment protection. It is beyond any doubt that a 21st century consumer should take account of a number of issues while buying and subsequently using goods and services. These issues include wastage reduction, lower emission of pollution and limited production of waste, as well as selection of products whose development conforms to the code of ethics and socio-environmental norms. This awareness is observed in most countries all over the world, nevertheless certain differences can be noticed between the developed and developing states. Although the concept of sustainable consumption is being actively promoted among consumers in the developing countries (e.g. in Poland), they are still less aware of the necessity to conform to socio-ecological norms in the process of consumption. The main aim of the article is to analyse buyer behaviour in the context of sustainable development policy pursued in Poland. The first part will be devoted to theoretical issues relating to the subject of the analysis. In the second part of the paper the author will present the results of a survey examining the aforementioned behaviour.

Buyer behaviour in the context of sustainable consumption policy pursued in Poland
Korpysa Jarosław ORCID 0000-0002-2400-3308
Słowa kluczowe
zrównoważona konsumpcja; konsument
Słowa kluczowe
consumer; sustainable consumption; sustainable development; demand and supply
Typ zasobu
Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 2013, special 7, s. 702-713
Prawa autorskie
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia7 mar 2023, 10:23:18
Data mod.7 mar 2023, 10:23:18
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