Increasing the reserves of the control system for cyclic locomotor precision motions in female students of a special medical group


Objective: Increasing the reserve capacities of the control system for cyclic locomotor precision motion in female students of a special medical group in the process of physical education.

Material and methods: The study involved 85 to 135 female students of the special medical group (SMG) aged 17-23 years. They were divided into two groups - control (CG) and experimental (EG). The students of the CG attended classes in PE in accordance with the state university program for the SMG. The program aimed at increasing the reliability of the motion control system of different coordination structures was additionally realized in the EG. It was based on physical exercises of increased coordination complexity with elements of novelty. Exercises of local, regional, and global character with a large number of motor switches with participation and partial deprivation of visual and auditory afferentations were used in the classes. As a testing exercise, the SMG students performed straight line walking to the target with eyes open and closed, with participation and exclusion of auditory feedback, and from memory - before and after the Yarotsky vestibular test. The duration of the study was one academic year.

Results: It was revealed that the mastering of control for precision motions in the EG was characterized by an improvement in the quality of motor regulation, an increase in the speed of transition to the program regulation mechanism in stable conditions of precision motion realization, an increase in the power of compensatory readjustments to preserve the reliability of motor function in complicated conditions - under the action of confounding factors and hindrances. This indicated an increase in the reserve capacities of the motion control system.

Conclusions: The main criteria of functioning reliability of locomotion control system, its reserve capacities are: a) stability of maintaining qualitative motion parameters within an optimum range under the action of confounding factors and hindrances; b) transition to the program mechanism of motion regulation in standard conditions of the motor program realization; c) reduction of a role of visual and auditory sensory systems during locomotion precision control in standard conditions; d) minimization of sensory and sensorimotor interrelations during voluntary precision motion control in standard conditions.

Increasing the reserves of the control system for cyclic locomotor precision motions in female students of a special medical group
Pryimakov Oleksandr ORCID 0000-0003-0351-486X
Słowa kluczowe
female students; special medical group; control; motion; reserves
Słowa kluczowe
studentki; specjalna grupa lekarska; kontrola; ruch; rezerwy
Eider Jerzy ORCID 0000-0002-8401-6442
Mazurok Nataliya
Omelchuk Olena
Oleniev Dmytro
Petrachkov Oleksandr
Prysiazhniuk Stanislav
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.7752/jpes.2022.06177
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2022, vol. 22 iss. 6, s. 1412-1418, 177
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu; Nauki o kulturze fizycznej
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia27 paź 2022, 15:23:27
Data mod.27 paź 2022, 15:23:27
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