Analysis of the competencies Polish logistics managers in the light of research


In the 90s of the twentieth century or even the beginning of the twenty-first century competition between candidates for employees in the logistics industry in Poland was very sensible and logisticians beginning his career were much easier to enter the labor market. Now the situation is different. First, in the minds of young people's awareness of the complexity of the logistics process and the challenges they bring for them is much higher. Logistics is an interdisciplinary profession. Second, the course of study, which is the logistics, it is now one of the most popular fields of study in Poland. This is evidenced by the fact that almost every university with backgrounds in economics and management, specializing in logistics is on offer. Another issue is the quality of education. It is not difficult to receive permission from the ministry to launch a direction far more difficult to have a qualified team of logistics. It's not about the manager, which as a result of the reclassification of "learned" logistics in a year or two years, participating in some courses or reading literature. It is about the manager, which in addition to a broad theoretical knowledge, it also has a practical orientation, as in the case of logistics, it is very important. It guarantees that future logisticians will be well prepared, and the labor market in the logistics industry today places great demands. The purpose of this article is to identify which competencies should have logistics managers, looking at the needs of today's labor market, and to confront it with the powers that were identified during the research staff of the logistics industry. 

Analysis of the competencies Polish logistics managers in the light of research
Dembińska Izabela ORCID 0000-0001-7618-0018
Słowa kluczowe
logistics manager; competencies; Polish logistics’ sector
Słowa kluczowe
menedżer logistyki; kompetencje; sektor logistyczny; sektor TSL
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.15660/AUOFMTE.2013-1.2784
Annals of the Oradea University. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering, 2013, vol. 22 no. 1, pp. 71-74
Prawa autorskie
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