Functional model of power grid stabilization in the green hydrogen supply chain system : conceptual assumptions


Green hydrogen supply chain includes supply sources, production, and distribution of hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources (RES). It is a promising scientific and application area, as it is related to the problem of instability of power grids supplied with RES. The article presents the conceptual assumptions of the research on the design of a functional multi-criteria model of the stabilization model architecture of energy distribution networks based on a hydrogen energy buffer, taking into account the applicable use of hydrogen. The aim of the research was to identify the variables contributing to the stabilization of the operation of distribution networks. The method used to obtain this result was a systematic review of the literature using the technique of in-depth analysis of full-text articles and expert consultations. The concept of a functional model was described as a matrix in two dimensions in which the identified variables were embedded. The first dimension covers the phases of the supply chain: procurement and production along with storage and distribution. The second dimension divides the separate factors into technical, economic, and logistic. The research was conducted in the context of system optimization from the point of view of the operator of the energy distribution system. As a result of the research, several benefits resulting from stabilization using a hydrogen buffer were identified. Furthermore, the model may be used in designing solutions stabilizing the operation of power grids in which there are surpluses of electricity produced from RES. Due to the applied multidimensional approach, the developed model is recommended for use, as it enables the design of solutions in a systemic manner. Due to the growing level of energy obtained from renewable energy sources, the issue of stabilizing the energy network is becoming increasingly important for energy network distributors.

Functional model of power grid stabilization in the green hydrogen supply chain system : conceptual assumptions
Frankowska Marzena ORCID 0000-0001-6309-0128
Słowa kluczowe
hydrogen supply chains; electricity networks; stabilization model; renewable energy sources; green hydrogen
Słowa kluczowe
wodorowe łańcuchy dostaw; sieć elektryczna; model stabilizacji; odnawialne źródła energii; zielony wodór
Rzeczycki Andrzej ORCID 0000-0001-7379-5682
Sowa Mariusz ORCID 0000-0002-2820-8327
Drożdż Wojciech ORCID 0000-0001-5441-0628
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.3390/en16010154
Energies, 2023, vol. 16 iss. 1, [br. s.], 154
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości; Dziedzina nauk społecznych
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia14 mar 2023, 10:55:20
Data mod.14 mar 2023, 10:55:20
Aktywnych wyświetleń0