Perception of tourist places from a spatial perspective


Purpose: Determining the essence of the complexity of tourist places from the point of view of building the tourist attractiveness of a place, including its promotion, and Attempting to assess the tourist attractiveness of the theoretical administrative unit in terms of the tourist attractiveness of places (model approach). Design/Methodology/Approach: Rethinking the complexities of tourist sites, understood as tourist attraction sites, is inspired by the work of Skinner (1964), Tuan (1977) and Sack (1997). The description of spatial relations place-territory and tourism marketing-place marketing and also the evaluation of the tourist attractiveness of the theoretical administrative unit in terms of tourist attractiveness of places were based on the author's research results. Findings: The study shows that there is a significant difference between the tourism attractiveness of the administrative unit as a whole (territory) and the tourism attractiveness of the place(s), which may represent only a small part of the whole. Practical Implications: The results of the study enable more effective tourism policies in spatial terms, which can be carried out territorially and locally. Originality/Value: Previously used approaches did not distinguish a separate evaluation of places. This resulted in the fact that from the field of tourism policy, including investment and marketing activities, often referred to, for example, a city or region i.e. an already recognized brand, and not to a specific place, even though it was a specific, sometimes small place that could be the tourism strength of a large territory. The proposed solutions raise the complexity of this issue.

Perception of tourist places from a spatial perspective
Czapliński Paweł ORCID 0000-0001-5093-941X
Słowa kluczowe
tourist place; place marketing; territory; tourist attraction
Słowa kluczowe
miejsce turystyczne; marketing miejsca; terytorium; atrakcyjność turystyczna
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.35808/ersj/3141
European Research Studies Journal, 2023, vol. 26 issue 2, pp. 106-117
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna; Dziedzina nauk społecznych
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Data mod.1 sie 2023, 14:13:56
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