Renewable energy source as alternative Polish conventional energy : analysis of selected spatial aspects


Purpose: The aim of the article is to indicate the role and place of renewable energy sources in the energy policy of each country, especially those dominated by conventional energy. As practice and statistical data on the development of energy based on renewable energy sources show, this type of energy can be and often is an alternative to conventional energy, especially when looking at this issue from the regional point of view. Desing/Methodology/Approche: Concern for the climate should become an element of everyday life of every inhabitant of the Earth, every company and all countries. Economic and political alternatives to classic coal-fired energy should be sought. The research hypothesis was defined as follows: Investing private and public money in renewable energy sources is currently and will certainly be, at least until 2050, of decisive importance in counteracting visible and invisible climate change. Findings: Each country, for which the issue of climate change is no stranger to it, should develop a model of production, distribution and consumption of energy from renewable sources appropriately adapted to its development possibilities, in which private energy producers, including prosumers, should also find their place. Practical implications: Renewable energy sources bring many economic and political benefits, both in the macroeconomic and local aspects. Most scientific studies focus on the benefits and positives of RES development, especially in comparison to traditional energy. Many specialists focus not only on current aspects, but also on climate, political and economic effects that will take place in the future. Original/value: The article has a practical application. The results can be used by people planning the development of traditional energy system.

Renewable energy source as alternative Polish conventional energy : analysis of selected spatial aspects
Szostak Daniel ORCID 0000-0002-2912-2672
Słowa kluczowe
renewable energy source; power engineering; energy policy
Słowa kluczowe
odnawialne źródła energii; energetyka; polityka energetyczna
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.35808/ersj/3169
European Research Studies Journal, 2023, vol. 26 iss. 2, pp. 285-296
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna; Dziedzina nauk społecznych
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Data udostępnienia2 sie 2023, 13:30:03
Data mod.2 sie 2023, 13:30:03
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