The role and meaning of the Western Balkans in the foreign policy on the eve of the Polish presidency in the EU


The goal of the article it to present the role and meaning of the Western Balkans for the Polish foreign policy on the eve of the Polish Presidency in the EU. It is worth wondering if the fact of running the Presidency causes the change of character of the Polish foreign policy toward the region. The final answer will be possible after its end but some divagations are possible today, after the analysis of initial aims of the Polish Presidency. A question, if there is a necessity of enhancing the Polish activity and Polish presence in this part of Europe, is also legitimate. Experiences of the last years show that the interest of the Polish diplomacy in the region of the Western Balkans was limited and even if we showed some activity, it was the support for realization of the strategic aims of the foreign policy. The turning point in the Polish policy towards the Western Balkans could be a membership in the EU. Then there appeared a possibility of widening the field of influence of the Polish policy on the Balkans with the use of not only the own resources and political instruments but also the instruments at the EU disposal. It is worth considering whether it is not worth to use the moment to dynamize the Polish actions towards the region, especially when the region is very important for the EU and when the EU functions also as a promoter of stabilization, transformation and permanent development of the Western Balkans.

The role and meaning of the Western Balkans in the foreign policy on the eve of the Polish presidency in the EU
Podgórzańska Renata ORCID 0000-0001-6610-9699
Słowa kluczowe
European Union; foreign policy
Słowa kluczowe
polityka zagraniczna; Unia Europejska
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.15804/rop201106
Reality of Politics : estimates, comments, forecasts, 2011, nr 2, s. 91-108
Prawa autorskie
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia6 wrz 2023, 07:38:00
Data mod.6 wrz 2023, 07:38:00
Aktywnych wyświetleń0