Numerical study of flow and heat transfer characteristics in a simplified dual fluid reactor


This study presents the design and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of a mini demonstrator for a dual fluid reactor (DFR). The DFR is a novel concept currently under investigation. The DFR is characterized by the implementation of two distinct liquid loops dedicated to fuel and coolant. It integrates the principles of molten salt reactors and liquid metal cooled reactors; thus, it operates in a high temperature and fast neutron spectrum, presenting a distinct approach in the field of advanced nuclear reactor design. The mini demonstrator serves as a scaled-down version of the actual reactor, primarily aimed at gaining insights into the CFD analysis intricacies of the reactor while minimizing computational costs. The CFD modeling of the MD intends to add valuable data for the purpose of modeling validation against experiments to be conducted on the MD. These experiments can be used for DFR licensing and design optimization. The coolant and fuel utilized in the mini demonstrator are of low Prandtl number (Pr = 0.01) liquid lead, operating at two distinct inlet temperatures, namely 873 K and 1473 K. The study showed a rapid increase in turbulence due to intense mixing and abrupt changes in flow areas and directions, despite the relatively low inlet velocities. Hot spots characterized by elevated temperatures were identified, analyzed, and justified based on their spatial distribution and flow conditions. Flow swirling within pipes was identified and a remedy approach was suggested. Inconsistent mass flow rates were observed among the fuel pipes, with higher rates observed in the lateral pipes. Although lower fuel temperatures were observed in the lateral pipes, they consistently exhibited higher heat exchange characteristics. The study concludes by giving physical insights into the heat transfer and flow behavior, and proposing design considerations for the dual fluid reactor to enhance structural safety and durability, based on the preliminary analysis conducted.

Numerical study of flow and heat transfer characteristics in a simplified dual fluid reactor
Elgendy Hisham
Słowa kluczowe
dual fluid reactor; mini demonstrator; lead cooled; k-ω SST model; Ansys fluent; thermal hydraulic analysis
Słowa kluczowe
reaktor dwupłynowy; minidemonstrator; chłodzony ołowiem; model k-ω SST; analiza termohydrauliczna
Czerski Konrad ORCID 0000-0002-8625-2481
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.3390/en16134989
Energies, 2023, vol. 16 iss.13, [br.s.], 4989
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Nauki fizyczne; Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia17 lis 2023, 14:19:23
Data mod.17 lis 2023, 14:19:23
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