Implementation of a hybrid certificate approach : enhancing efficiency and credibility in ICDL certification process


In today's rapidly evolving job market, qualification certificates play a crucial role in validating an individual's skills, knowledge, and abilities. This article explores the importance of qualification certificates in the modern workforce, their impact on employment prospects and professional development, and the emerging trends shaping their future. It highlights how qualification certificates bridge the skills gap and enhance employability by providing standardized evidence of an individual's proficiency in a specific field. Moreover, it emphasizes the benefits of certifications for professionals in staying relevant and competitive in rapidly changing industries. The article mostly discusses the significance of the printed form of qualification certificates, their role in authentication, credibility, and portability. It explores the emerging trend of digital alternatives to printed certificates and the challenges associated with verifying their authenticity. The proposed solution is a hybrid approach that combines electronic certificates with printed versions, allowing for easy verification of authenticity in both formats. The article presents a detailed description of this approach, focusing on secure QR codes with extended unique identifiers for efficient verification. It further examines the implementation of this approach within the context of the International Computer Driving License (ICDL) Certification Program in Poland. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the hybrid certificate approach in simplifying the verification process while maintaining credibility and facilitating lifelong learning.

Implementation of a hybrid certificate approach : enhancing efficiency and credibility in ICDL certification process
Szyjewski Grzegorz ORCID 0000-0001-7655-2627
Słowa kluczowe
qualification certificates; professional development credibility; digital alternatives of printed certificates; certificate verification; hybrid approach; electronic certificates; online application
Słowa kluczowe
certyfikacja kwalifikacji; potwierdzanie rozwoju zawodowego; alternatywy certyfikatów drukowanych; weryfikacja certyfikatu; podejście hybrydowe; certyfikaty elektroniczne; system internetowy
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.1016/j.procs.2023.10.470
Procedia Computer Science, 2023, vol. 225, pp. 4713-4721
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości; Dziedzina nauk społecznych
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia2 sty 2024, 14:14:53
Data mod.2 sty 2024, 14:14:53
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