Intensity of physical activity and quality of life among older adults


Introduction. Low physical activity, transition to retirement and unfavorable socio-economic changes may significantly reduce the quality of life of older people. The increasing average life expectancy of the population requires measures intended to promote physical activity among the elderly in order to improve their quality of life. The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between exercise intensity and the quality of life in U3A students over 60 years of age.

Material and methods. A diagnostic survey was applied in the research. The following research tools were used: WHOQOL-BREF Questionnaire to assess the quality of life, Minnesota Questionnaire (MLTPAQ) to test the intensity level of physical activity, and the authors’ own questionnaire. The study involved 673 individuals over 60 years of age from the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Region in Poland.

Results. People who took low-intensity exercise more often were more satisfied with life and health. Likewise, they had higher quality of life assessments in the physical, psychological and environmental context in comparison with those who were not sporty. Individuals who went in for moderate physical effort more often assessed their quality of life better in the social area. Respondents who engaged in intense physical activities valued the quality of life in physical, psychological and environmental domains higher.

Conclusions. The positive influence of regular exercise on the quality of life requires further promotion of this activity, health education, and extension, diversification and adjustment of the offer of sports activities to the needs and capabilities of the elderly.

Intensity of physical activity and quality of life among older adults
Kuska Michalina
Słowa kluczowe
MLTPAQ; physical activity; quality of life; older adults
Słowa kluczowe
kwestionariusz Minnesota; aktywność fizyczna; jakość życia; starsze osoby
Nowak Maria Alicja ORCID 0000-0003-4682-7356
Żukowska Hanna
Pasek Marcin
Szark-Eckardt Mirosława
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.2478/pjst-2023-0024
Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism, 2023, vol. 30 iss. 4, pp. 38-44
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Nauki o kulturze fizycznej; Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu
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Data udostępnienia7 lut 2024, 08:26:33
Data mod.7 lut 2024, 08:26:33
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