High-energy electron measurements with thin Si detectors


A technique for measuring high-energy electrons using Si detectors of various thicknesses that are much smaller than the range of the examined electrons is presented. The advantages of the method are discussed on the basis of electron–positron pair creation recently studied in deuteron–deuteron fusion reactions at very low energies. Careful Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations enabled to identify the main spectral contributions of emitted electrons and positrons resulting from the energy loss mechanisms and scattering processes within the target, detector and their holders. Significant changes in the intensity of the detected electrons, depending on the detector thickness and the thicknesses of absorption foils placed in the front of the detector could be observed. The corresponding correction factors have been calculated and can be used for different applications in basic and applied research.

Data udostępnienia11 mar 2024, 07:58:35
Data mod.11 mar 2024, 07:58:35
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