Impact of the availability of gamified e-guides on museum visit intention


With a growing interest in the application of gamification in tourist attractions, there is a growing body of research on various types of effects resulting from providing gamified e-guides to visitors. In this paper, we take a different perspective on the substantiation of gamification application in museums by investigating whether the mere availability of gamified e-guides for mobile devices is a factor that impacts the visit intention of potential visitors before they pay a visit to a museum. The obtained results confirm the positive impact of the availability of gamified e-guided tours on visitors’ attitude towards the museums and their intention to visit the museum, both unconditional and in case of no personal guide being available. This implies that implementation of gamified e-guides can be economically sustainable even if we consider only their impact on the visit intention of potential visitors, provided the costs are kept under reasonable limits.

Data udostępnienia29 lis 2022, 12:35:51
Data mod.29 lis 2022, 12:35:51
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