Implementing modern management orientation with the use of IT technologies in public administration in Poland


The task of management concepts, methods and techniques is to diversify the toolkit for the management staff so that they can lead organizations more efficiently and effectively. The possibility of having a variety of tools gives better prospects for developing effective strategies, creating an appropriate competitive position, faster decision-making, as well as progress, especially in the field of information technology, pose qualitatively new challenges for managers. It is of particular importance in the public administration sector, which is related to the state budget and is financed from it. The administration has to carry out the tasks for which it has been assigned, but it does not always have the appropriate human or financial resources. Modern management orientations can be helpful in this, especially when they are supported by IT technologies. Taking into account the above, the aim of the paper was formulated, which is to define the necessary conditions conducive to the implementation of new management tools with the support of IT technologies in public administration organizations. The research was conducted on a group of 20 public administration offices in Poland in the period 2018-2021. The main results show that the organizations participating in the study most often perceived the COVID-19 pandemic as a particular determinant of introducing changes in organizations and the search for new tools helpful in management, and IT technologies turned out to be a significant support in the implementation of tasks. The implementation of the study during the current development of COVID-19 and drawing conclusions after the pandemic may be the reason for further observations in this area, both in Poland and internationally. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to evaluate and compare the test results from several periods. It is certainly an interesting research problem that requires further research and analysis.

Implementing modern management orientation with the use of IT technologies in public administration in Poland
Czerniachowicz Barbara ORCID 0000-0003-3068-6085
Słowa kluczowe
management; orientation of management; public administration
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.513
Procedia Computer Science, 2022, vol. 207, pp. 4496-4503
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Dziedzina nauk społecznych; Nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia29 lis 2022, 12:46:25
Data mod.29 lis 2022, 12:46:25
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