Podejmowanie uczestnictwa w turystyce górskiej przez mieszkańców województwa zachodniopomorskiego


Puropse. Participation in mountain tourism can be undertaken in various ways. A wide range of possibilities offered by mountain areas results in preferred forms of movement having changed over the years. Mountain tourism also depends on the season of the year, because weather conditions are conducive to skiing or cycling, climbing or hiking, strong stream currents associated with large rivers, allows for participation in canoeing or rafting. The geographical location of the West Pomeranian Voivodship is not a factor conducive to short-term trips to mountain towns, hence the attempt understand the interest in mountain tourism for those living there. The presented work attempts to find an answer to the question as to how the participation of the inhabitants of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in various forms of mountain tourism, has changed over the years? Two research hypotheses regarding the factors differentiating the decision to rest in the mountains were formulated. The research carried out among students of West Pomeranian schools, students of universities in Szczecin and adults, allowed for the comparison and analysis of preferences regarding the choice of forms of physical activity undertaken in mountain areas.

Methods. In empirical research using a questionnaire, opinions were collected among 3,224 people of different ages living in large and small towns and in the villages of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. Based on the analysis of documents, information on organising trips in advance was obtained.

Findings. Research has shown that students are the most numerous group taking part in mountain tourism. A small percentage of respondents take family trips to the mountains. There was also a decreasing interest of West Pomeranian educational institutions in mountain areas as a place for organised travel.

Research and conclusions limitations. Empirical research covered the residents of only one province.
Practical implications. Diagnostic tests. Paying attention to the insignificant role of mountain tourism in the school educational process as preparation for lifelong physical activity.

Originality. Studies on similar subjects in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship have not been conducted.

Type of paper. Empirical research.

Podejmowanie uczestnictwa w turystyce górskiej przez mieszkańców województwa zachodniopomorskiego
Undertaking mountain tourism by residents of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship
Umiastowska Danuta ORCID 0000-0001-7251-7584
Słowa kluczowe
turystyka górska; młodzież; dorośli; seniorzy; Pomorze Zachodnie; województwo zachodniopomorskie
Słowa kluczowe
mountain tourism; youth; adults; seniors; West Pomerania
Kisiel Marta
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0013.2642
Folia Turistica, 2019, vol. 52, s. 59-78
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Nauki o kulturze fizycznej; Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia4 kwi 2023, 14:16:09
Data mod.4 kwi 2023, 14:16:09
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