Slash w polskich fandomach literackich


Fanfiction (the literary work of fans) is one of the many manifestations of fan activity, which has been for several decades the subject of interest of a separate, interdisciplinary and dynamically developing discipline – fan studies. However, it is still a marginal area in Polish research. There are many gaps in Polish research on this type of creativity, for example, there is a lack of studies on fanfiction based on Polish literature. Researchers most often refer to examples of texts that are based on English-language works, e.g. written on the basis of the Harry Potter novel series by J.K. Rowling. The aim of this article is to show which pieces of Polish literature inspire fans to create texts in one of the most popular genres of fanfiction, which is slash. Importantly, these kinds of texts are written and read, as is the fanfiction itself, mostly by women. The author focuses mainly on the controversial (considered as such also by the members of the fan community) variety of slash, in which the main characters are really existing people, including historical ones. The issue was discussed on the example of fanfiction written in Polish, based on the book Kamienie na szaniec by Aleksander Kamiński. The source work (canon), which is the basis of various modifications, is the starting point for the narratives, which often significantly differs from the source material, as is the case with the transformation of Kamienie na szaniec. War, which is an important element of Kamiński's novel, is not the central theme in the new rereadings. In fan texts, romantic/erotic relationships between male characters are much more important. And such reinterpretations may be perceived by some readers as scandalous.

Slash w polskich fandomach literackich
Szpatowicz Marta ORCID 0000-0001-7130-9126
Słowa kluczowe
fanfikcja; slash; real person fiction
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7494417
Facta Ficta : journal of theory, narrative & media, 2022, 1 (9), s. 81-93
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Literaturoznawstwo; Dziedzina nauk humanistycznych
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Data udostępnienia11 maj 2023, 14:29:09
Data mod.11 maj 2023, 14:29:09
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