Wyrok Trybunału Konstytucyjnego o braku niezgodności a przewlekłość postępowania sądowego


The paper deals with the problem of excessive length of judicial proceedings caused by a court bringing a legal question to the Constitutional Tribunal. These refl ections are an attempt to answer the question — whether or not it is acceptable to claim the asking court for the length of the proceedings due to release of a judgment concerning the absence of non-compliance. The refl ections begins with an explanation of the ideal of that kind of judgments and their legal effects. The paper also deals with a question of whether mistakes done by the asking court in its legal question should be understood
as an exclusive basis of liability in respect of the excessive length of judicial proceedings. According to the author, it is possible to claim the asking court for the length of the proceedings in that particular situation, but it is subject to several conditions which would exclude this kind of responsibility (this article presents those conditions). 

Data udostępnienia23 cze 2023, 14:26:07
Data mod.23 cze 2023, 14:26:07
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