The role and importance of the street manager function in revitalization processes


Purpose: The aim of this article is to explore the roles, responsibilities, actions, intricacies, and tools used by street managers. It defines this profession and its importance in urban changes and development. In the author's country and across Central and Eastern Europe, cities undergo intense revitalisation efforts, involving reconstruction of facilities, streets, and areas, tied to European funds and local resources. This renews the old urban fabric, corrects past errors, and addresses political challenges. Street managers are a novelty for urban dwellers and can drive comprehensive city changes. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article was designed in a classical manner. A literature review was conducted to assess the popularity and scope of the topics discussed in the text, specifically addressing the issues of streets in the context of New Urbanism. This action aimed to place the content within a theoretical framework and definitions. Based on the literature review and case studies from newspaper articles, the scope of duties of street managers was outlined, with more emphasis placed on the role of the manager in the urban space revitalisation process. Findings: The outcome of the article is to introduce and specify the responsibilities of street managers, determine their objectives and the challenges they face, and assess the effectiveness and rationale for hiring or appointing such a position. Practical Implications: The article can help urban institutions responsible for processes of space management, placemaking, struggling with efforts to revitalise, change the function of streets or other spaces. Originality/Value: The role and importance of street managers in relation to the social and economic regeneration processes of streets, neighbourhoods, cities is still little understood, especially in countries that have undergone political transformation and are beginning to implement the ideas of New Urbanism and governance.

The role and importance of the street manager function in revitalization processes
Rudewicz Jacek ORCID 0000-0002-2659-4754
Słowa kluczowe
revitalisation; entrepreneurship; manager; street manager; street level; management; urban studies
Słowa kluczowe
rewitalizacja; przedsiębiorczość; menadżer; zarządca ulicy; poziom ulicy; zarządzanie; urbanistyka
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.35808/ersj/3228
European Research Studies Journal, 2023, vol. 26 iss. 3, pp. 509-522
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna; Dziedzina nauk społecznych
Publikacje pracowników US
Data udostępnienia13 gru 2023, 08:16:33
Data mod.13 gru 2023, 08:16:33
Aktywnych wyświetleń0