Kilka uwag o tłumaczeniu piosenek na marginesie rozważań nad przekładem utworu Toss a coin to your witcher na język polski i niemiecki : analiza porównawcza


The subject of this paper is a translation analysis of the song "Toss a coin to your witcher". The song was translated into Polish and German and is a part of the first season of "The Witcher", a screen adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski's prose. The film was developed by the streaming platform Netflix. In the theoretical part of his paper, the author focuses on the description of the textual-melodic level of source texts and, among others, on the ways of creating rhyme and rhythmic systems in the song lyrics. The analytical part consists of a description of the translation of the song into Polish and German, as well as an analysis of the strategies and techniques used to translate the melodic aspects and intertextual elements in the translation. The analysis leads to the conclusion that in order to reflect the rhyme structure of the original text it may be helpful to use strictly defined grammatical and syntactic features of the target language (in the German translation these were the sentence structure with modal verbs and typical grammatical features of separable verbs). Moreover, it is crucial to use the so-called semantic translation techniques such as generalisation or concretisation. The study of the rhythmic levels of translations confirmed the use of a rarely used technique in the translation of melodic texts, i.e. rhythmic exoticisation of the target text. Intertextual elements were generally translated in a pragmatically adequate manner.

Kilka uwag o tłumaczeniu piosenek na marginesie rozważań nad przekładem utworu Toss a coin to your witcher na język polski i niemiecki : analiza porównawcza
On the translation of the song Toss a coin to your witcher into Polish and German : a contrastive analysis
Lesner Emil ORCID 0000-0001-6999-1285
Słowa kluczowe
tłumaczenia; tłumaczenia literackie; intertekstualność
Słowa kluczowe
translation; literary translation poem; intertextuality
Typ zasobu
Identyfikator zasobu
DOI 10.32612/uw.25449354.2023.3
Applied Linguistics Papers, 2023, t. 27 nr 3, s. 34-49
Prawa autorskie
Dyscyplina naukowa
Językoznawstwo; Dziedzina nauk humanistycznych
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Data udostępnienia3 kwi 2024, 11:51:34
Data mod.3 kwi 2024, 11:51:34
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